Monday, October 8, 2012


Yes it is true. I am 54kg. And I'm here to confess what's happening.
Before coming to Perth, I was between 43-47 KG. After knowing that I've got Tuberculosis, I had to do millions of blood tests and had to take 13 pills everynight. it's EVERY NIGHT. So, when my friends and family noticed that i gained so much of weight, they're all saying , "Oh,must be the bloodtests that made you gain weight, cause you're producing new blood cells." some said,"must be your medicines. Some medicines make you gain weight" . But in my opinion, i think I ate too much and a little too late for dinner. My guardian serves dinner at 7.00pm ++. And I'm a horrible slow eater so by the time i finish my dinner, it's already 8. After 3 months of blaming myself why am i so fat, my doctor told me,
"It is a good sign if you're gaining weight because the TB virus is not eating you up anymore." and I was like,DAFUGGGGG? so I blamed myself for being fat but actually the reality is that I'm curing? okay, this seriously sucks.
You wouldn't want to know how bad I felt. ew.
Look how chubby my face is. My hair is my lifesaver yoh

Anyways, to celebrate that I'm finally curing my TB, I shall share my brownies in mug recipe (: UH-HUH now you know why I'm so fat. ngek
What you need are like, stuff you can get easily from your pantry (:
1/4 cup of sugar(i used caster sugar. works fine too)
1/4 cup of flour
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
2 tablespoons of olive oil(i used canola oil*vegetable oil*,cause i cant stand the smell of olive oil.LOL)
3 tablespoons of water

Mix the dry ingredients first, which is the sugar, flour, and cocoa powder. Mix it to get rid of the lumps. Then, add in the water and oil. Stir well. Put it in the microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds. Use a skewer/fork/knife to test if it's done. If it comes out clean, you're ready to eat it :D Oh, and put some ice cream on top . It'll taste even better !

bitches cray cray :D

This recipe is the bomb. It's like, instant brownies. HAHAHA.

Anyways, All the best to the people who're taking PMR starting from today (: If i were still in Malaysia, I'd be in the same situation, but too bad im not. HEH. lucky me eh.

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